why or why not? Money that we could also spend on booze. Lot of hypocrisy going on. The “benefit” part of it isn’t prohibited (anesthetics, etc.). And telling the truth is encouraged so let me tell u lying sinful disbelievers what actually concerns u in the Quran.. Medieval times, who did exactly that, because it was a societal norm. Dont fall for his tricks ya muslim ummah he is telling lies alcohol is strictly forbidden to us and this black sheep does change allah (swt) word. Since we know for sure now that alcohol was not prohibited, but even encouraged, it’s interesting to see how the prophet Muhammad handled his liquor. then you mean they couldnt find the fact and you did ? Not that all believers of Islam go through life sober, but still it’s considered a sin to have a beer. billions of Muslims know very well that beer, wine or any kind of drugs is Forbidden, we don’t need ignore people to explain us Islam, we’re very logic to know that it’s just a kind of Publicity for such drinks that makes even the most noble people look like a swinging helpless dummy animal. Muslim 3753 “We were with the prophet of Allah and he was thirsty. The true question is whether this drink is permissible in Islam? And you should think twice before pointing out your examples without any reference ! Muslims cannot drink alcohol because it is a harmful drink and it can cause damange. His goal is to make the world a better place for his daughter. They ask you about wine and gambling. This is no assumption, it’s purely Quranic. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reason. Is it permissible for Muslims to drink alcohol? according to your researches ! Cheers, When I consider the facts, it makes sense to me that alcohol is forbidden. Yes, alcohol is not being encouraged here. https://www.thoughtco.com/why-is-alcohol-forbidden-in-islam-2004329 Divorce is still a big taboo and that’s why women stay with their abusive husband, kids don’t dare to openly say they are atheist or girls take it up the ass when they have sex, to stay “virgin” till marriage. They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Question Are Muslims allowed to go to the pub even if they do not drink, especially if it is work related? They are called “clean” hadiths. The Encyclopedia of Islam has several such entries, including a long one on wine (Wensinck and Sadan 2012). ANYTHING THAT ALTERS YOUR MIND IS AN INTOXICANT. Let me explain something to you, this happened almost 1400 years ago. Islam says that intoxicants are forbidden. At first, it was forbidden for Muslims to attend prayers while intoxicated. And their sin is greater than their benefit.” And they ask you as to what they should spend. We avoid the devil by avoiding his works, and that includes avoiding intoxicants. I want to marry this Emirati man but my mother says he drinks and goes clubbing. please correct these info back before taking any word agianst islam. this much lie is not acceptable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This guy is a liar of the first order .All that he quoted is a lie, look at the Holy Quran and authenticate the references for yourself. Cheers, Now that’s one less reason to fight between religions and one more reason to celebrate. Wow. October 9, 2019 Yes, they can. :p, What makes you think that? In my opinion it’s better to know what you are up against. We take alcohol and everything that has to do with it quite serious. You dont know so better dont comment…having such ill words for a prophet you know nothing about only shows how low you are. Alcohol is not prohibted in quran, and I chalange anyone that says otherwise. The human cost of suffering from alcoholism is immeasurable. Say: “In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit.” They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: “What is beyond your needs.” Thus doth Allah Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider-, Abdul Haleem In Islam alcohol is banned. did you even bother trying to google it or look it up in a book? So how do we avoid the devil? The next stage of prohibition was a direct order. Admir Rasic was born in Bosnia-Herzegovina a few years before the start of the Yugoslav wars. How the Russians chose Christianity over Islam cause they loved drinking, The oldest Arab cookbook contains a recipe for wine and a hangover cure, Why Christians who preach abstinence are hypocrites, 7 Modern supervillains, the biggest enemies of the intoxicated world. iran iraq afghanistan russia america india china UAE and more are all counteries which muslim people are living in there, Do you think they dont search for the fact ? Drinking & Gambling - Nouman Ali Khan - … Abdul Haleem And we were not asked to avoid alcohol, like you said. The prophet Muhammad himself that is a role-model for Muslims himself drank wine, just like his companions and Jesus, who in Islam is also considered a prophet. ( Log Out /  Arberry: O believers, obey God, and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. The Christmas Story and Other Redeeming Myths. In Islam, consumption of any intoxicants (khamr, specifically, alcoholic beverages) is generally forbidden in the Qur'an through several separate verses revealed at different times over a period of years. Chinese authorities have reportedly forced Muslims in the Xinjiang region to eat pork and drink alcohol during the country’s lunar new year holiday amid an alleged crackdown on Islam. Why do u think u are even significant? When drinking, the constant mental clutter or brain chatter quiets down, and I am able to think/say what I actually want to say. It’s quite well possible to be a good Muslim and still enjoy a drink once in a while. But the NHS recommends adults break their fast and rehydrate if they become dangerously dehydrated. Allah (swt) is the truth and the truth is in the Quran not in the hadiths, let us not become divided in the religion by following the hadiths. I’m very glad you like our articles. Verily in that is a sign for a people who use their understanding.” Muslims are also not allowed to drink blood That is better and more suitable for final determination. Say: “In them is a GREAT sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit.” (Quran 2:219). when you talk about someone you dont know logically i can say you are more stupid than you think. We promise we won’t drink all of the money. If it were referring to all four of them, it would be ijtanibuhum (stay away from them), but it’s not. Still the conclusion must be that although moderation of alcohol is encouraged in Islam, it is absolutely not prohibited. Micky. This abstinence is a command from … It is a general assumption that Muslims can not drink alcohol. Quran 2:219 “They ask you concerning alcoholic drinks and games of chance. Islam outrightly forbids the consumption of alcohol because of its intoxicating effects, so beverages such as beer, wine, liquors and cocktails are considered “haram”. Woman would probably miscarry, and not to mention the risk of death that would come with childbirth. Alcohol misuse costs the U.S economy over $220 billion annually. Cheers, Its misleading muslims. Say: “In both these there is great evil, even though there is some benefit for people, but their evil is greater than their benefit.”5. 2 in a row. Muslims are indeed allowed to drink. This must be a Troll Website or Something… Isn’t it? Pickthall: O ye who believe! Jon Henley in Paris and Jeevan Vasagar. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. May ALLAH SWA give you and put you in right direction ! Micky. We were asked to avoid alcohol (especially when abused to the point of intoxication/harm) but it is not prohibited like a lot of indoctrinated muslims claim, huge difference between avoid and prohibit. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination. Unless muslims start criticizing these fake Hadith and casting them out of Islam, they will continue live in backwardness and middle age. Among the Christians most of whom drink divorce rates ,fornication, adultery and murders are really high. This was probably one of the reasons for him to disencourage people to drink too much. they want you to see the truth in GUNSHOTS So to finish in Arabic: besaha! Islam more warns about that there is dangers in alcohol and one needs to be respectful of it. Alcohol, especially in the form of wine, was a very important part of social life for the pre-Islamic Arabs. French firm capitalises on anti-US feeling to sell cola. https://quran.com/16/67-77 In many cases the Islamic opponents of alcohol can hide behind the double meaning of the word ‘nabeed’, but in the last habith the Arabic word ‘khamra’ is used, which means alcohol. It’s simple, easy and peaceful, unlike the version we see and hear about now days. My as well prohibit sugar and a lot of things as they causes harm when abused!!! Do you enjoy our website? I am an American Muslim, I live everyday in a battle because I don’t fit in due to not consuming alcohol. We have been together for a year, and the me who was convinced that I'd never be religious has changed. He deals with the long tradition of wine and wine consumption in the Islamic world. Quran uses syllogism to demonstrate the prohibition of alcohol. https://quran.com/2/219 Your prophet was a sick pedophile. Shakir: O you who believe! (Premise 1), 7:33: “God prohibited all sin. My everyday decisions affect my daughter, and I want to make sure that every decision I make comes from a place of sobriety and reason. That means if you are not using it for benefit, you are using it for sin. Since the noun “devil” came before ijtanibuhu, the correct meaning is intoxicants, gambling, altars, and divination arrows are the work of the devil, and we have to avoid the devil in order to succeed. Sahih International: O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. I want to move to dubai for a year but I enjoy parying , drinking etc but once they ID me will they turn me away or call the cops on me because I have a Muslim surname . Please don’t let your poor writing friends get thirsty and buy us a drink by making a 1 Euro donation. 5:90: “O you who believe, intoxicants, gambling, altars and arrows of chance are afflictions that are the work of the devil; you shall ‘ijtanibuhu’ (stay away from him) so that you may succeed. However not in a single occasion it is called haraam, or forbidden by God, like pork meat for example. The word ijtanibuhu is singular, which means it’s only referring to a single thing. The Quran is peaceful, this Islam of your with all these Hadith that prohibit things on behalf of God and tolerating the killings of others is not. you say mohammad PBUH drank wine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see the wurk by ibn rushd the distinguist jurist’s primer. Muslims are indeed allowed to drink. Plus, didn’t the Romans have a really high infant mortality rate? Well if we can’t discuss it based on the official literature, what sources would you use? (Surah Maida 5:90-91), Why should people take what u say seriously? whats your age? Can’t believe that grown-up people actually discuss what their imaginary friend allows them to do or doesn’t. Time to think for yourself and draw your own conclusions chaps. During this period, Muslims focus on self restraint or sawm (Arabic: to refrain) which is one of the five pillars of Islam. However, if used to benefit people (anesthetics, etc), that is not prohibited as that isn’t utilizing the sinful part of the intoxicants. Commentary, Features Here is the article: well:https://yaqeeninstitute.org/asadullah/understanding-aishas-age-an-interdisciplinary-approach, Some interesting replies to the obvious troll comment above. That being said, most killing, raping and stealing is done by sober people. And from the fruit of the date-palm and the vine, ye get out wholesome drink and food: behold, in this also is a sign for those who are wise. Most people will answer that question with no. Danny Borkowski says. Wine, and gambling, and idols, and divining arrows are but a means of defilement, of Satan’s doing. So avoid it, that haply you may prosper” (5:90). come on dont blame and dont make fun of our religious values ! Syllogism is deriving a conclusion from two or more premises. We hope that soon everywhere in the Middle East the sounds of glasses bashing into eachother will replace those of gunshots. Man-made Hadiths make up like 99% of what “passes” as Islam today, and it doesn’t represent true Islam, and I found various Quranic verses clearly implying that they are un-Quranic, one of them being verse 6:114 which states that the Quran is fully-detailed, and that the only source of law is God. 6 years ago. They thought that coffee was Satan’s or the devil’s drink because Muslims were drinking it to stay awake at night. Micky. Beer (or anything which makes hangover) is strictly haraam in islam…. what official literature? Well when we look at Muslims in Europe, there are many unhappy marriages and unhealthy relationships between parents and kids as well. My mother rejects his marriage proposal and I have a nagging suspicion that he doesn't drink or go clubbing or do other immoral things, because she hasn't seen it for herself. That means intoxicants can’t be used for personal purposes, because you aren’t using it to benefit yourself. Alcohol has only bad effects. I've been reading the Qu'ran, and my significant other who is Muslim has convinced me to convert(she hasn't told me to, I just decided on my own whim because it just seems so right). The Quran states, “They ask you [Muhammad] about wine and gambling. they are misleading you… Muslims are really fortunate to be living sane and sober lives ,those who want to obey the God Almighty. Dear Micky Bumbar, We Muslim can drink water, beer, wine, Coke and even piss/cum/puke/sewer water if any of us want to. Haram is haram.even it may be tiny as an atom. Cheers, heyyyy have respect to religions you son of a bitch , you don’t see anyone making fun of your religion…..or maybe you are a stupid atheist or whatever, anyway….don’t make fun of things you don’t understand…..cause you might die if you don’t watch your back 🙂, you know him.very well? Thats not make sense. Quran 16.67 “And of the fruits of the date palms and the grapes, you obtain alcoholic drinks and goods. Clear controdiction in a hadith it says “anything that intoxicates you in large amounts is forbidden in small amounts too” . We understand that talking to God with a double tongue is probably not the greatest idea, but as long as you keep that in mind there isn’t a good reason to chose for abstinence. Is it a sin for Muslims to drink it? The verses that tell u that if u die in disbelief u will be punished in hell for eternity just like u were brought into existence the first time to live this life u will be brought into existence a second time… And this is not impossible for Allah.. Also those who want to spread corruption amongst the believers they will have a painful torment… Even if u choose to disbelief these statements will come to pass and u will be the ones that will regret choosing disbelief over belief… Allah doesn’t tell us to belief because He will gain from us.. No Allah owns all that exists in the heavens and the earth even before he created us but he excercises his Mercy and wants to reward us for believing and doing good in this life with eternal bliss… And if u reject that then who is more foolish? Broken families are one of the biggest causes of mental trauma. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. Cheers, Micky. it is not called research when a group of people finds something out! Unfortunately a lot of muslims fell for the fake human suna / Hadith and 600,000!!! what the hell does that mean you blame on muslims for having war in there nation but that is a completely wrong saying, Completely wrong !!!! Mufti Taqi Usmani However, I’m of the opinion that any intoxicant is prohibited, except for uses that benefit people, though I may be wrong. Cheers, Think Muslim, drink Muslim, says new rival to Coke. There’s also a tale that angels from Allah get drunk and kill a child. totally wrong prophet muhammad never drink beer. (Al Maeda; 5:90). A secular Muslim’s guide to drinking alcohol during Ramadan. No trolling here mate. The Mujahedeen drank it in the Battle of Uhud and the prophet’s uncle Hamza even got drunk. Can Muslim drink this or not? I believe this to be true. Yusuf Ali And how do we know if we’re using intoxicants for sinful purposes and not for beneficial purposes? August 10, 2018. The Bab was executed six years after his proclamation, but not before promising the advent of one greater than himself, “who would usher in the age of peace and justice promised in all the world’s religions.” Baha’is believe Baha’u’llah was the fulfillment of that promise. It is a well known fact that Muslims don’t drink alcohol. That’s right, wine making is encouraged here. It is haraam, forbidden. Also, the word for avoid in Arabic really means “never come even near” so it is understood as “absolutely forbidden.”. In Islam places which are allocated for the use of Haram activities are forbidden to enter even if it is not for consuming the Haram. The Islamic followers have more stronger and cohesive families and divorce rates are really low. If God wanted Alcohol (wine…) prohibited/forbidden he would have clearly stated that like he did for the flesh of the swine (aka pork), leaving no room to interpretation. Cheers, So even personal use is considered sin because it’s not beneficial use. Ah what an insightful comment. the hadith you referenced does not even exist. This is no assumption it’s clear Arabic. Yusuf Ali (Premise 2), All sin is prohibited, so using intoxicants for anyway that is sinful is prohibited. ( Log Out /  (2:219) They ask you about wine and games of chance. Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad SAW), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority. Of course, some Muslims may well drink alcohol, just as some Muslims may steal, lie, or fornicate. i feel if you dont drink too much. Please don’t stuck your mind in the things that u don’t know… The reason for this is that these are places which gain the wrath and the curse of Allah and also as a If people broke into ur house or attacked u would u be peaceful towards them? Reply. Thanks. Muslims are allowed to eat what is "good" (Quran 2:168)—that is, food and drink identified as pure, clean, wholesome, nourishing and pleasing to the taste. whatever he has writtem down is boughs, according to Islamic thinking no one can drink wine or alchohal at all.Those who say Prophet like drinking he is lier. There truly is a sign in this for people who use their reason. Quran 4:43 “Do not approach prayers while you are drunk.” He received a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington in English Literature and enjoys playing soccer, reading books and meeting new people. And from the fruits of the palm trees and grapevines you take intoxicant and good provision. Just because ur faith is weak and u can’t make heads or tails of Islam u think people are lesser than u? Still it seems more like an advice not to drink as long as you don’t do your prayers drunk. These fake ulamaa fatawa trying to entreprise and monopolise Islam using indoctrinating false Hadith and the said-suna (السنة القولية)…. So not sure the low divorce rates mean that families are not just as broken. quran also states that assuming is an ithm or “sin”, so are you prepared to go through life without making any assumptions, its gonna be a tough one, im taking the aya in surat baqqarah (2:219) as a word of advice, it has benefits and harms, harms outweigh benefits so “ijtanib”or keep away, there is no “tahreem”, tahreem is applied to the foods stated in surat al maidah, plus the prophet hasnt encountered beer or hops, how can he forbid something he hasnt encountered, khamr is wine or nabeeth or pertais to rotting grape juice. The man went to get the wine. Say, “The surplus”. Admir Rasic Well alcohol brings out the true personality of a person. Your “sources” that show Prophet drank are wrong. Family members, and especially children, suffer financially, spiritually, and sometimes physically by belonging to a household that misuses alcohol. The Quran did not ban alcohol from the beginning. So now what is defined as “sinful purposes”? Here are the three passages: Please help us by making a small donation, so we can continue to inform and entertain you with everything alcohol related. the GUNSHOT as you said is because of those losers who want to keep you people blind from the truth of live Source(s): muslims drink alcohol: https://tr.im/zuqe0. Cheers, Please inform us on some real sources on this topic then. Gradual Approach. And what on earth gives you the right to say that? The disbelievers would abandon us like satan will abandon them in the afterlife…. Woohoo! ( Log Out /  If you don’t know about something you should not write a whole article on it ! Say, “In both there is great sin, and some benefits for people. Approach not as-salat (the daily prayers) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter” (4:43). The verse you’re referring to is 5:90. I'm planning to become a Muslim. if only you do it for celebration. When it comes to permissibility in Islam, there are five categories actions can fall into: forbidden, discouraged, neutral, encouraged, and required. Excellent article, I am going to reblog it for you Micky. Cheers, Micky. Muslims can’t drink it’s forbidden in the Quran. 2. The verse did not include anything else. In general, everything is allowed (halal) except what has been specifically forbidden. That would be debatable imo. Intoxicants ie anything that makes u high and senseless is prohibited by Allah. The “ijtanibuhu (stay away from him)” is referring to avoiding the devil. You /Muslims mistranslate that quranic verse: It duzn’t say ‘alcholic’ but WINE ie the fermented juice of grapes. He and his family and lived in Germany as war refugees before moving to the United States in 2000, making Spokane their new home. second And from the fruits of date palms and grape vines, you obtain intoxicants, and good provision. You will only progress if you get out of denial and do something about it. Most know that the consumption of pork and alcohol are prohibited, but beyond that little else is known to the general populace. They ask you [Prophet] about intoxicants and gambling: say, ‘There is great sin in both, and some benefit for people: the sin is greater than the benefit.’ They ask you what they should give: say, ‘Give what you can spare.’ In this way, God makes His messages clear to you, so that you may reflect, Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) As they causes harm when abused!!!!!!!!!!! For yourself and draw your own opinions and shit, but the recommends! Benefit yourself desert is boring t be used for personal purposes, because says! 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