250 You must stop within 50 feet but no closer than 15 feet of the railroad crossing. When approaching a railroad grade crossing where the gates are down or the lights flashing you should stop before the stop line. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights you must: stop at least 15 feet from the railroad crossing 32. If a train is coming, stop at least five metres from the nearest rail or gate. •Never race a train to cross the tracks. What distance from the crossing must a train be before vehicles ... the vehicle behind you. When approaching a railroad crossing that has no warning signal (flashing lights and/or gates), a driver should… Stop and wait for a train to pass. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. a. HINT: Never get any closer then 15 feet when a train is passing through a railroad crossing. The history of level crossings depends on the location, but often early level crossings had a flagman in a nearby booth who would, on the approach of a train, wave a red flag or lantern to stop all traffic and clear the tracks. 150C. At the railroad crossing you will see the white crossbuck sign. Before moving, close the driver's window and the service door NEVER. They may have lights but no crossing arms. Not only is it unlawful to cross the tracks while the red light is flashing , it also could prove to be fatal. When using high-beams at night you must change to low-beams at least how many feet before any oncoming vehicle: A. Watch for these buses and be prepared to stop behind them. A white, X-shaped sign or “crossbuck” with Railroad Crossing on it is located at the railroad crossing. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights, you must: Stop at least 15 feet from the railroad crossing. At 20 MPH, you must be able to stop your car within _____ feet when you use the foot brake. Speed up and cross before a train comes. 8. Other crossings are not as clearly marked. Beware of the optical illusion. Who has the right-of-way when your light turns green? 200D. It is a regulatory sign … The circular warning sign is located ahead of the crossing. Moreover, how far back are you required to stop from railroad tracks in Alberta? Question: You must stop at a railroad grade crossing if: A.) 10 feet B.) They must stop at least 15 feet but not more than 50 feet from the rails of the track. 100B. Never race a train to a crossing. On a two lane road, not near a school, … There is a visible railroad signal that warns a train is approaching B.) Crossings with multiple-tracks can have several trains passing by simultaneously or within a very short time. Railway crossing sign A stop sign at a railway crossing requires the driver to come to a complete stop between five metres (15 feet) and 15 metres (50 feet… Know Your Crossings. So always remember, stop no closer than 15 feet and no farther than 50 feet from the rail tracks. 150C. The idea of using electric current in railroad rails for signaling was an idea that had been suggested as early as 1848. At a railroad crossing that has only a crossbuck, wait long enough after the train passes to get a clear view in each direction before proceeding. Many highway-rail intersections have roadway surface or pavement markings in advance of the crossing. This exam consists of 25 questions, of which you can only miss five in order to pass. Stopping At Railroad Crossings. When you approach a railroad crossing and you see flashing red lights, this means that either a train is on the tracks or a train is approaching. A.) User: When stopping for a train at railroad crossing if the vehicle is closest to the rails you must stop Weegy: When you stop for a train at a railroad crossing, if you are the vehicle closest to the rails you must stop: between 15 and 50 feet from the nearest rail. Flashing red warning lights indicate you must stop and wait. When you approach a railroad crossing and you see flashing red lights, this means that either a train is on the tracks or a train is approaching. Whether you're learning to drive or are a seasoned driver with 30+ years experience; treating railway crossings with caution and respect will not only keep you safe but can also prevent serious injury to others. School buses must stop at railway crossings whether or not they are protected by gates or signal lights. It is virtually impossible to accurately judge the distance and speed of an approaching train. In many cases, these accidents occur at railway crossings. Always look and listen for all ... to pass any vehicle within100 feet of a railroad crossing. When approaching a railroad crossing sign, you should: a. You are waiting at a red light to turn right, and a pedestrian on your right is waiting to cross the street you want to enter. When approaching a railroad crossing, you should never drive on the left-hand side of the road when you are within _____ feet of the crossing.A. Railroad crossing precautions. Be prepared to stop b. There are various types of railroad crossings that you may encounter. Passive railway crossings will have a yield or stop sign. Talking Points for Grades 3 - 5 When you come to a railroad crossing with more than one set of tracks, look for a sign on the crossbuck that tells you how many tracks there are at that crossing. Most buses and some trucks must stop at railroad crossings. Remember to use that signal only at railroad crossings; Look and listen Start crossing when you are sure that you don't see or hear a train or a warning whistle. Which of the following actions could lead to distracted driving? Score .988 User: If you were seeing a Florida drivers license you were an operator motor Stop at least 20 feet, but no more than 50 feet, from the nearest track. 300 feet of an oncoming vehicle. If you are following a bus or truck approaching a railroad crossing, be careful. Under the Train Horn Rule (49 CFR Part 222), locomotive engineers must begin to sound train horns at least 15 seconds, and no more than 20 seconds, in advance of all public grade crossings. If you are approaching a railway crossing with a stop sign, you must stop unless otherwise directed by a flagman. When approaching a rail crossing, watch for vehicles in front of you, like buses and some trucks, which must stop at the crossing even if there is no train coming. Upon stopping, the driver of the vehicle must look and listen for approaching trains or locomotives. Proceed around the crossing gates c. Quickly proceed across the railroad tracks d. Stop on the tracks and look both ways 2. What is the history behind railroad crossing warning systems? adjusting the radio, eating, and using a cellular phone or any other electronic device 33. You must stop your vehicle within 50 feet but no less than 15 feet from the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. 1. 200 feet of an oncoming vehicle. If a train is approaching, you must yield to the train. Motorcycles/bicycles You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. When approaching a railroad crossing without mechanical gatse or lights, ... you must return to the right hand side of the road before coming within On a two lane highway when passing a vehicle you must return to the right hand side at least A.) 200D. These markings usually include an “X”symbol with the letters “RR” and a stop bar. Do not cross the track until you are sure the train or trains have passed. A.) The purpose of a railroad crossing sign, is to let you know that ... which means that if a train is approaching you must ... and are generally mounted within 20 feet of the actual crossing. If a train is traveling faster than 60 mph, engineers will not sound the horn until it is within ¼ mile of the crossing, even if the advance warning is less than 15 seconds. 15 feet C.) 25 feet D.) 50 feet It indicates that you should slow down, look, and listen. Stop within 15 feet of the tracks c. Try to back up once you are on the tracks Stop at least 15 feet away from the crossing if there’s an approaching train, flashing red lights, a stop sign or lowered crossing gates. •Slow down when approaching a railroad crossing and look both ways—TWICE! When approaching a railroad crossing, you should never drive on the left-hand side of the road when you are within _____ feet of the crossing.A. •Watch out for vehicles that MUST stop at railroad crossings, like school buses or trucks carrying hazard-ous materials. Stop on the tracks b. ... lowered crossing gates and/or a bell at a railroad crossing indicate that you must stop, at least 15 feet (5 m) ... Look and listen for trains before crossing any railroad … 250 Start studying chapter 4 drivers ed. A. 500; C. 600; D. 700; 53. you must drive at a safe speed, regardless of the posted speed limit B.) School buses, commercial motor vehicles, taxis, and motor buses are always required to stop at railroad crossings. B.) When approaching a stop sign you should: a. 52. you must never exceed the speed limit by 10 mph C.) you must stay within 5 mph of the posted speed limit D.) you must not drive 5 mph under the posted speed limit E.) you must use the fast lane if you exceed the speed limit Stopping at school crossings… In either instance, you should stop. 400; B. Never go under lowering gates or around lowered gates. a. You must stop when a train is visible or sounding a signal and approaching within 500 metres (about 5 city blocks) of the crossing. Some of these crossings have safety arms that lower when a train is a set distance away. In either instance, you should stop. When you come to a railway crossing, remember: Slow down, listen and look both ways to make sure the way is clear before crossing the tracks. ANS: 25 When stopping at a railroad crossing, you should be no closer than _____ from the tracks. You cannot be too careful when approaching a highway-rail intersection. Not only is it unlawful to cross the tracks while the red light is flashing, it also could prove to be fatal. 37. Slow down, look, and listen, proceeding only if it is safe to do so. 100B. Look for a second train before proceeding! Always stop if you see a train coming or you hear the whistle, horn, or bell of an approaching train. You should: Slow down and proceed cautiously, looking in both directions - CORRECT! There is a lowered crossing gate C.) A train can be seen approaching within approximately 15,000 feet D.) All of the above Click to see full answer. Never stop on railroad tracks or go when the gate is down. 9. Highway-rail crossing warning system technology dates back to 1870 when the track circuit was invented. •Never pass another vehicle within 100 feet of a rail-road crossing.