When it comes to how long, it depends on the facts of that particular case. I would highly recommend Krause & Glassmith to any New Yorker who has been injured.” – Li Xi C. Read More Reviews. Read Our FREE Dog Bite Guide . Dog bite attacks involving minors are, unfortunately, far more common than most people realize. If the dog attack results in the loss of life of a child or adult, a settlement or judgment award could be more. When it comes to how long, it depends on the facts of that particular case. Mention that homeowner’s insurance may cover the dog owner’s costs. The average cost paid out for dog bite claims nationwide was $44,760 in 2019 up from $39,017 in 2018. Average Dog Bite Settlement Amounts in the US. Dangerous Dogs. Dog bites can cause serious scars on anyone who is bitten and can even cause emotional and psychological scarring and damages. It even comes with gruesome dog bite photos that were apparently taken from a British newspaper story. These professionals can help make sure that the dog is not a repeat offender, and they will help check the dog’s history of rabies shots. W&L Attorney Gold Appointed to Elmiron MDL Leadership, https://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5226a1.htm, https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics.php, https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-animal-bites/basics/art-20056591, https://data.cityofnewyork.us/d/rsgh-akpg/visualization, https://www.animallaw.info/topic/table-dog-bite-strict-liability-statutes, https://www.iii.org/article/spotlight-on-dog-bite-liability#top, https://www.dogsbite.org/dangerous-dogs.php, https://newyork.public.law/laws/n.y._agriculture_and_markets_law_section_108, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/AGM/108, https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/AGM/123, https://www.iii.org/article/liability-and-safety-tips-for-dog-owners, https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/pets/dogs.html. Most personal injury cases settle, and dog bite claims are no exception. New York dog bite laws protects citizens from dog attacks. Call us today at 845-600-0000 for a free consultation to learn about your options. In general, a dog bite victim would be entitled to be compensated for all of the medical expenses associated with the incident, starting with the initial medical treatment, and any required aftercare. However, some cities and municipalities in New York have dog bite laws which identify specific breeds as dangerous and apply a strict liability law. If you’ve been bitten by a dog, you have a right to be compensated for your injury.In most cases involving dog bites, a claim is filed with the dog owner’s insurance company to recover for damages. In 2010, a police officer in Wisconsin was bitten while training a police dog and awarded $39,000 in an insurance settlement. | Last Modified January 14, 2021. Dogs, Healthy People. Both the frequency and value of these types of claims and settlements continue to climb nationwide. If an unfamiliar dog approaches you remain calm, stay still, and avoid eye contact with the dog. New York’s statutes regarding a “dangerous dog” hold a dog owner “strictly liable” for all medical expenses that are incurred as a result of injuries sustained by a “dangerous dog”. The totals and frequency of dog bites are high enough to warrant significant attention to protecting yourself from a dog bite claim. Generally, New York law says dog owners are legally responsible for the damage and harm their pets cause (strict liability), if their pets have formerly been declared dangerous. Dog Bite. Verdicts & Settlements; Testimonials; News & Media; Personal Injury Websites. With a dog bite claim, it’s important to consult a lawyer who handles dog bite cases to ensure your claim is presented clearly and thoroughly and that the defendant’s lawyer or insurance company doesn’t try to place blame on you. Every Dog Gets One Free Bite June 29, 2015 | Dominique A. Penson. Fire, Police, & EMT Law; 9/11 Victim Law; 11 Park Place, 18th Floor New York, NY 10007 Free Case Evaluation: 888-746-8212 Start a Chat Search the site Search. Verdicts & Settlements; Blog; Contact Us; Winning a Dog Bite Case in New York City. Retrieved from, Michigan State University. In 2019, the cost rose to $44,760, according to the Insurance Information Institute. We Handle All Dog Bite Injury Claims. Never disturb a dog while it is eating, sleeping, or caring for puppies. As with all bad cheque scams, it presents as legal matter requiring the assistance of a lawyer. Animal Legal & Historical Center. In 2015, the Insurance Information Institute and State Farm conducted a study on home insurance claims for dog bite incidents. The dog was protecting the property of the owner from someone trespassing or committing another crime. If the dog’s owners seem friendly, ask them for their liability insurance information. In addition to getting immediate medical help, you need to make sure that you have identified all the possible present and future damage caused by a dog bite. Retrieved from, DogsBite.org. American Pet Products Association. The dog bite case settlement process, and factors that affect the value of a dog bite injury settlement. However, some cities and municipalities in New York have dog bite laws which identify specific breeds as dangerous and apply a strict liability law. Who is the insurance company? Allow the dog to see and sniff you before petting it. The insurance company refused all settlement offers until the day of trial when Sobo & Sobo was able to settle the case prior to jury selection. These breeds account for 358, that’s 76%, of people killed in the U.S. by dogs between 2005 and 2018. If records are not available, it must be assumed there is a risk and medical treatment – rabies shots – needs to begin. The payouts are typically no less than $10,000 and they can average around $30,000. Socialize your dog and use a leash when in public. Data shows there were almost 400 dog bite cases in one month alone. $255,000 settlement for a deckhand who suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon and a fractured heel when two boats collided during a sailing regatta and his left leg was caught up in the lifelines of the other boat. Do not panic, make loud noises, or run from a dog. Here’s where we walk you through how a dog bite victim named James negotiates a fair injury settlement from the dog owner’s insurance company. MMWR: Nonfatal Dog Bite – Related Injuries Treated in Hospital Emergency Departments – United States, 2001. Verdicts & Settlements; Testimonials; News & Media; Personal Injury Websites. Serious injuries cause death, increase the risk of death, or lead to protracted disfigurement or impaired function of a body organ. In this article, we'll look at the deadlines for filing a dog bite injury lawsuit in a New York civil court, New York's dog bite statute, and the state's use of both strict liability and negligence-based dog bite laws. If you or a loved one has suffered an attack from an animal, the New York Dog Bite Guide was created by personal injury attorney Stuart Glassmith to help residents recover their maximum settlement. Most policies provide $100,000 to $300,000 in liability coverage,” advises the III. But how does the settlement process work, and what kind of result can you reasonably expect for your dog bite-related insurance claim or lawsuit? There are a lot of other factors involved, too. Speak to an experienced attorney today for a free consultation. Dog bites can cause serious bodily injury to others resulting in expensive claims and even euthanization. Following are some cases to give you a better idea of how drastically these amounts can vary. The litigation alleges that taking pentosan…, In one year alone, “an estimated 4.7 million dog bites occurred in the United States,” says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. If the owners are not protected by insurance, the attorney can file a claim against the owners in court. Dog Bite Settlements . In general, dog bite settlements cover the cost of medical expenses or trauma/personal injury. Average Dog Bite Settlements According to Insurance Journal , dog bite cases have taken up almost one third of all home insurance claims, with a 67 percent increase in claim size since 2003. You want to better understand the law and your right to compensation for injuries caused by someone else's dog, not decipher legalese. This scenario involves a dog bite, and the promise of an insurer to pay a settlement for medical expenses. (n.d.). Let our experience work for you. A dog bite involving puncture wounds, but no other complications or special circumstances, will not give a plaintiff much leverage in settlement negotiations when it … DOHMH Dog Bite Data Visualization [Using DateOfBite]. With that in mind, State Farm and the Insurance Information Institute found the average dog bite settlement in 2015 was $32,000. Weitz & Luxenberg has a successful personal injury litigation team with experience in a wide range of cases. (10). Strict liability laws make owners responsible for the harm or injury caused by their pets. (21). A settlement in a dog bite case in the same as a settlement in any other personal injury case and should include compensation for all economic and non-economic damages caused by the dog bite. Were you or a loved one involved in an animal attack and have questions about your dog bite case settlement timeline? Gather information and speak to neighbors to find out if they have ever seen another person get bitten by the dog or the dog lunging toward someone. Following are some cases to give you a better idea of how drastically these amounts can vary. New York’s one-bite law means that in general, a dog gets to bite someone once before its owner can be held liable for injuries. William Hepner obtained a $175,000.00 recovery for a dog bite victim in her late 20's after jury selection. Retrieved from, NewYork.Public.Law. You should know how to safely approach a dog and how to respond to a dog bite. Most bite injuries are from an owned pet, and young children are usually bitten by a dog that is familiar to them. To help promote responsible pet ownership, the CDC recommends everyone follow certain actions when coming in contact with a dog. The dog was reacting to pain or injury, was protecting its owner, home, or offspring. Indicate any local or state dog bite laws. (6). If you have suffered serious dog bite injuries, been mauled by a dog, or a family member has died from a vicious dog attack, you may be eligible to sue to gain compensation for your injuries or loss. (2020, April 8). Retrieved from, The New York State Senate. Ontario Dog Bite Settlements: Getting Properly Compensated for Your Injuries. A fraction of one percent of dog bite victims receive a settlement from liability insurers (in other words, compensation over whatever their health insurance company might pay for medical bills). Serious bites require immediate medical attention. Moreover, the judge in this case also exonerated the dog owner stating that the facts did not support liability against the owner under New York dog bite law, which states that the owner must have knowledge that the dog possessed vicious propensities prior to the incident in question in order to be held liable. I.I.I.’s analysis of homeowners insurance data found that the number of dog bite claims nationwide decreased 4.7 percent in 2014. Retrieved from, The New York State Senate. window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {setTimeout(function(){ apbct_public_sendAJAX( {action: "apbct_js_keys__get"}, {callback: apbct_js_keys__set_input_value, input_name: "ct_checkjs_cf7_17d63b1625c816c22647a73e1482372b",silent: true, no_nonce: true} ); }, 1000);}); “I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to return back to work after my car accident. Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics: 2019-2020 APPA National Pet Owners Survey. Whether the bite is minor or major, there is also a risk of rabies if the dog has not been properly vaccinated. New York dog bite laws protects citizens from dog attacks. A dog bite settlement loan is not a loan in the traditional sense — it is a cash advance that is repaid from your final lawsuit settlement. For them, it was an all-time high year, with $118 million paid out in attack-related claims. The settlement is the largest for a dog bite to a child in Orange County since 1994. Contact a New York dog bite attorney, even if your dog bite incident results in a pending lawsuit or an insurance claim, it is recommended that you contact an attorney. Ask the owner’s permission before petting the dog, even if the dog seems friendly. Our experienced legal team can review your case and explore your options. Dangerous dogs. Which insurance company is it? In 2014, the average dog bite settlement reached over $32,000, an increase caused by a number of factors. 1. Common Mistakes in Dog Bite Cases There are a number of mistakes that dog bite injury victims and their loved ones make, including: Not Seeking Medical Treatment Immediately Some dog bite injury victims believe that the dog bite is not that serious. The Dog Bite Compensation Calculator. Agriculture & Markets (AGM). (2020, February 7). Definitions. Below are just a few of the many dog bite lawsuits and settlements, arbitration awards, and jury verdicts that have been successfully resolved by the award-winning attorneys at Davis Law Group. Other costs to the victim would be included as compensation for any loss of income that is a result of the dog bite. Members of our experienced team are on call 24/7 to answer your questions and ensure that all your needs are met. (11), The “dangerous dog” label also applies to any dog who “behaves in a manner which a reasonable person would believe poses a serious and unjustified imminent threat of serious physical injury or death.” (12). As a result, your premiums may increase, or the dog may be excluded from coverage. Obtain the name and contact information for the dog’s owners. © 2021 Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. People who are attacked by dogs are not only left with scars from the vicious bites, but they can also suffer from emotional scarring and fear of all dogs. A dog owner is required to control/restrain his or her animal in order to ensure public safety. (17), Dog owners may defend themselves and their pets against dog bite claims using several strategies: (18). Dogs may be considered man’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean that they’re always well-trained or friendly. According to one source, the average cost paid out for dog bite claims nationwide was $37,051 in 2017. The average settlement from a dog bite claim was $43,653 in 2019. New York also adheres to the so-called one bite rule under which dogs and their owners may be given a “free pass” for the dog’s first known bite. Dog bite claims represent about one billion dollars per year in insurance settlements. If you or a loved one has suffered an attack from an animal, the New York Dog Bite Guide was created by personal injury attorney Stuart Glassmith to help residents recover their maximum settlement. A dog is also not considered a “dangerous dog” if you are committing other offense upon the owner of the dog or upon the property of the owner. When it comes to how long, it depends on the facts of that particular case. Both the frequency and value of these types of claims and settlements continue to climb nationwide. Were you or a loved one attacked by a dog in New York and have questions about how long it might take for you to recover compensation for your injuries? Ongoing medical issues or disfigurement may be a tragic result. Updated By David Goguen, J.D. The cost of treating these injuries is rising even faster. Retrieved from, DogsBite.org. To say early on in a case, generically, how long such a case would take wouldn’t be fair. Retrieved from, Insurance Information Institute. Case 2: HLF extracts large settlement for dog bite Even though they’re “man’s best friend” and bring much joy to our lives, dogs are unpredictable and can bite anyone at any time. (19) So check your homeowners policy to be sure you are covered and what the limits of coverage are. Calling this number connects you with an elite member of the Weitz & Luxenberg legal team, who will conduct a free case review and provide you with more information about your legal options. Statutes: New Jersey Statutes Title 4, Section 19-16, et seq. Dog bite settlement amounts can vary drastically based on the extent of the damages produced by the attack. Do not encourage your dog to play aggressively or roughhouse. Retrieved from, New York City Open Data. In this regard, dog bite victims may seek compensation for some or all of the following losses: In 2010, a police officer in Wisconsin was bitten while training a police dog and awarded $39,000 in an insurance settlement. These steps include: Were you or a loved one seriously injured by a dog attack? Unlike a bank loan, from the time you are approved and receive your money, up to the time that your case settles, you will not have to make a single monthly payment, and if you lose your case, you do not have to repay the loan at all. He has helped hundreds of victims like you by winning significant settlements and verdicts. Next, you need to demonstrate that your injuries resulted directly from the dog bite. If the owners of the dog are protected by insurance, the attorney may negotiate a settlement with their insurance company. $250,000 settlement for a 50-year-old woman who incurred back injuries and facial scarring after being attacked by a pit bull. With that said, there are some average dog bite settlement amounts to consider, though your personal settlement could be much higher or much lower. Table of Dog Bite Strict Liability Statutes. Report the Incident to Animal Control and/or the Police – Even the smallest bites should be reported to animal control or the local police department. Claims of this sort are usually settled out of court, although insurance companies often drag their feet on settling up with the claimant and will even look for any excuse to deny payment. First and most important, seek medical attention. Remain still when the dog approaches you. Document the scene by taking cell phone pictures of the dog involved, any bites and physical injuries you suffered, your torn clothing, and any property damaged. Animal behavior issues found in dog bite litigation are … These breeds have a history of aggression. John Maher: Hi, I’m John Maher, and today I’m here with Robert Mazow and Kevin McCullough, of the Law Firm of Mazow‑McCullough, a personal injury law firm, with offices in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.. Robert and Kevin have a great deal of experience as dog bite attorneys, and today we’re going to be talking about how to get the maximum compensation for a dog bite. However, that liability applies only to a pet already deemed to be a “dangerous dog.”, Under New York State Law, a “dangerous dog” is defined as any dog which without justification attacks a person, companion animal, farm animal, domestic animal, or service animal and causes physical injury or death. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene tracks dog bite cases within the city. Dog bites are one of the most common reasons for injury claims filed against homeowner’s insurance policies. This is where your documentation of the scene, including pictures and the incident report, helps support your claim. (2020, March 25). Retrieved from, Insurance Information Institute. We have been handling personal injury cases for more than 30 years, with thousands of successful results. A good first step in filing a dog bite lawsuit in New York is to determine if the dog owner is liable. Sec. If someone is bitten by a dog in New York and they want to hire someone to be as fairly compensated as the law allows, one of the first questions they ask is how long the case will take.